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0-3 Year Olds

Caregiver-Child Pair Annual Program Cost


9am - 11:30am

Monday through Friday
1x/week: $1308

2x/week: $2316 

3x/week: $3324 

4x/week: $4332 

5x/week: $5340

2024-2025 Schedule

'24-'25 'School' Year
September 3rd 2024 -
June 13, 2025

Fall break Nov. 19-27
Winter break Dec 21-Jan 12
Spring break TBA

 Summer 2025
June 9-August 15
Check back in Feb/March for Summer '25 registration


Wonder Woods invites 0-3 year olds who are not yet toilet trained to attend with a caregiver any day of the week from 9am-11:30am. The sensory exposure to sights, sounds, and textures in the woods are beneficial for babies and toddlers. Our youngest attendees enjoy outdoor time and free play just as much as their older counterparts. The mixed-age setting provides a learning experience for everyone, and we find that the caregivers who attend with their little ones often find respite in the community and fresh air too. Learn more about a typical day in the woods here and what kinds of seasonal delights you can expect to experience with us. 


Caregivers in the Caregiver/Child Pair program are responsible for the child at all times. However, we engage with these younger children in the same way we engage with all children. They join us for circle time and meal time; they can help us prepare the meal or go on walks with us; and they can choose to interact with our playscapes and playworkers however they wish. We do not “baby” them. We talk respectfully to them, assume their autonomy, and allow them to lead in their own play. 

Caregiver/Child Pairs may attend from 9am-11:30am any day of the week. Families simply choose how many days per week they’d like to attend, and can then drop in on whatever days work best from week to week. No notice required. We know that life with a baby or toddler requires flexibility, so we hope to offer a calm and joyful place for you and your little one to play any day of the week.  


If you are interested in attending on days when other caregiver/child pairs will be present, please contact us and we can help connect you with other caregiver/child pairs to schedule this. 

Our program rotates its location (for ecological preservation reasons) between LaBagh, Forest Glen, and Bunker Hill Forest Preserves. 


If you are interested in a Trial Day to see if this program is the right fit for your family, you may email us at to request a trial date. Trial Days are $30 for caregiver-child pairs (9:00-11:30am). A Liability waiver will need to be signed and we will invoice you prior to the Trial Date. If this is not financially feasible for your family, please contact us directly and we may be able to accommodate this.

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